Weight Loss Challenge For Women In Their 40 Plus

As you advance towards your 40’s, weight increases and it gets difficult to lose it. Due to a slowing metabolism, one will be burning around 300 calories less than what you used to burn during your 20’s.

1. Eat Less

It doesn’t matter if you are eating less fatty and nutritious food, you need to cut on your portions. Not doing so will not help you to lose weight.
Even though calorie needs differ from person to person, on average, a woman who eats around 2000 calories per day should cut back their calories by 400 to 500.

2. Set a target of Losing at least 1kg per week

While crash diet seems like a luring option, a slower approach is better and sustainable as well. It will help you in developing healthy habits which will stay with you for a longer time.

3. Vegetables and Fruits

Eating meals with half of these in quantity can be very nutritious. They are rich in fiber and contains a lot of water.
So it will keep you full for a long time without making you crave for junk snacks and thus limit the calories in your diet.

4. Good Fats

Taking fats in very small quantities won’t harm you if it is good fat.
Avocados, dark chocolates, nuts, and different kinds of seeds are some of the food with high-fat but are quite nutritious as well.
Try to add just 7 to 10 grams of fat in your meals. Maybe few spoons of nuts and seeds or 1 tsp of olive oil.

5. At Fewer Calories but eat more frequently

Insulin resistance in your body can leave you to feel hungry.
So if you divide your meals into small sized ones and then snacks in smaller portions as well, it can keep your blood sugar levels in control.
You can fill up your stomach with a lot of fruits and vegetables which are low in calories.

6. Moving Around More Often

Your testosterone starts dipping when you are in your 40s. So the ability of the body to burn calories after the exercise also decline.
If you have been indulging in the daily activity of 30 minutes, then it is a good habit. But you have to increase your time now.
Try to do 10,000 steps on a daily basis. Doing 4 to 5 resistance training sessions can also be a big help to your muscle mass and you can burn more calories.